Our Contact Details


Click Here for Enquiries















Please submit all comments, questions or complaints via this form or call 021 650 2934.

Members leaving the UCTRF before retirement who are considering taking their money in cash or transferring it to another approved fund, are encouraged to contact the UCTRF Office to understand the implications thereof. 

Fund website: www.uctrf.co.za

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/uctrf 
Twitter: @uctrf

Physical Address: 
Room 134
Bremner Building
University Crescent

Postal Address: 
University of Cape Town
Private Bag X3



Penny Fabre (Ms)
Principal Officer 
Tel: 021 650 2159
Email: penny.fabre@uct.ac.za

Bheki Mkhize (Mr)
Deputy Principal Officer 
Tel: 021 650 7871
Email: bheki.mkhize@uct.ac.za

Yumna Gamildien (Ms)
Retirement Fund Benefits Officer
Tel: 021 650 3806
Email: yumna.gamildien@uct.ac.za

Nosi Kutu (Ms)
Assistant Administrator
Tel: 021 650 1034
Email: nosi.kutu@uct.ac.za 

Lemeez Staggie (Ms)
Senior Secretary
Tel: 27 21 650 2934
Email: lemeez.staggie@uct.ac.za

Areas of responsibility:
UCTRF & associated schemes


Prof. Phillip de Jager 
Email: phillip.dejager@uct.ac.za

Mr Benjamin Cronin (Alternate Trustee)
Email: benjamin.cronin@uct.ac.za

Mr Paul Gaika
Email: paul.gaika@uct.ac.za

Mr Glenn Hurlow
Email: glenn.hurlow@uct.ac.za

Mr Peter Shai Makgoba (Deputy Chairperson)
Email: shai.makgoba@uct.ac.za  

Dr Erich Maritz 
Email: erich.maritz@uct.ac.za

Mr Hardy Maritz
Email: hardy.maritz@uct.ac.za

Mr Khumo Mokone
Email: khumo.mokone@uct.ac.za

Ms Libo Msengana-Bam
Email: libo.msengana-bam@uct.ac.za

Ms Nonzwakazi Michelle Mzamo (Alternate Trustee)
Email: michelle.mzamo@uct.ac.za

Mr Athabile Nonxuba
E-mail: athabile.nonxuba@uct.ac.za  

Assoc. Prof. Shaun Parsons (Chairperson)
Email: shaun.parsons@uct.ac.za

Ms Lulama Sibiya
Email: lulama.sibiya@uc.ac.za   

Ms Mandisa Stuurman
Email: mandisa.stuurman@uct.ac.za  

Assoc. Prof. Francois Toerien
Email: francois.toerien@uct.ac.za  

Prof. Gizelle Willows
Email: gizelle.willows@uct.ac.za 

Human Resources

Susan Williams (Ms)
Organisational Health co-ordinator
Tel: 021 650 4376
Email: susan.williams@uct.ac.za 

Areas of responsibility:
Disability claims (lump sum disability claim & income continuation claims)

Rowina Nefdt (Ms)
Benefits & Exits Officer
Tel: 021 650 4330 
Email: rowina.nefdt@uct.ac.za 

Areas of responsibility:
Matters relating to leaving UCT, i.e. UCTRF/AIPF withdrawal,
leave payments and UIF

Funeral Cover

For information regarding funeral cover email UCTFuneralCover@uct.ac.za

HR Client Services

The HR Client Services team offer the following services to UCTRF members:

1.  Conditions of service (contract requirements, retirement age, notice periods, etc.)

2.  Changes to UCTRF contribution rate and death cover

3.  Reporting and counselling on the Disability Benefits

To view details of HR Business Partners, please visit this link on the HR Website: Human Resource website


FAIS accredited financial advice

Gradidge Mahura Invesments'(GMI's) highly qualified and experienced independent financial advisors are readily available to secure the financial future of  you and your family. Through a comprehensive risk analysis process they protect their clients from unforeseen events that can ruin their financial security. 

Further information and GMI’s  contact details are available here.


You may contact the AF contact centre on 0860 100 333 or email: Admin@alexforbes.com


If you have a complaint relating to the management of the UCTRF, its administration, member communication, benefit payments, or any other matter, please either contact the UCTRF Office via this form or write directly to the Principal Officer of the UCTRF.

The UCTRF has 30 days in which to respond. If you do not receive a response, or the response is not satisfactory, you will be able to lodge your complaint with the Pension Funds Adjudicator.

Please note that this does not apply to complaints regarding the separate lump sum death and disability cover or the income continuation cover, which must be lodged with the Ombudsman for Long-term Insurance.  The insurer should be given the opportunity to resolve the problem or complaint before it is referred to the Ombudsman.

You can complain to Pension Funds Adjudicator and to the Ombudsman for Long-term Insurance directly (you do not need to hire a lawyer) and for free.

Contact details of the Pension Funds Adjudicator

Call Center: 086 066 2837

Tel: 012 346 1738 , 012 748 4000

Email: enquiries@pfa.org.za

Working Hours: 08h00am till 17h00pm weekdays

Website: www.pfa.org.za


Appealing a Pension Funds Adjudicator Decision

Should the Pension Funds Adjudicator’s ruling not be to your satisfaction, you may apply to the Financial Services Tribunal (“Tribunal”) for a reconsideration of the decision within 60 (sixty) days after you were notified of the determination, or such longer period as may on good cause be allowed by the Tribunal.

The contact details of the Tribunal Secretariat are:

Telephone: (012) 741 4300 

Email: Applications@fstribunal.co.za 


Contact details of the Ombudsman for Long-term Insurance


0860 662 837

021 657 5000 /
0860 103 236






Office Enquiries:

8:00am to 4:30pm
Monday to Friday




Our Contact Details

Click here for enquiry


021 650 2934

Please submit all comments or questions via this form

Fund website: www.uctrf.co.za

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/uctrf

Twitter: @uctrf