Exit Tax Calculator

Before you decide what you want to do with your money and before the administrator applies for a tax-directive, use this quick and easy calculator for an estimate of how much tax you will pay to SARS, on any lump sum payment, when you leave the UCTRF

Try the calculator below:

  • This calculator is for illustrative purposes only.
  • The calculator does not take into account previous benefits that were taxed. If you have received previous benefits the amounts calculated may differ from your tax directive. Any other outstanding amounts owed to SARS will also be deducted from your benefit before the amount is paid to you.
  • Whilst care has been taken in the compilation of this calculator, the calculator serves as a guide only. The information in the calculator is not intended to be, and must not be regarded as, financial advice or advice as defined in the Financial Advice and Intermediary Services Act (37 of 2002). The editors, the UCTRF, the UCTRF’s Trustees, the Principal Officer and staff of the UCTRF, together with the UCTRF’s service providers, shall not be liable for any loss or harm or damage which may be suffered by any person as a result of the use or reliance upon the information provided by this calculator. In the event of any discrepancy between this calculator and the actual tax due on your benefit the final calculation done by SARS will apply in all cases.
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