How to update your Nomination of Beneficiaries Form

You can update your nomination of Beneficiary forms on AF Connect. Always ensure that you nominate the people you want to benefit in the event of your death.

Three different nomination forms are needed: 

1.     Retirement and Group Life Benefit: who are your financial dependants and should benefit from UCTRF

2.     Life cover (unapproved death benefit): nominate Beneficiaries you want to benefit

3.     Funeral benefit: nominate two individuals whom you believe will be able to manage your funeral claim in the event of your death


Once you add a Beneficiary, tick the declaration box, then click on save.

If you have only one Beneficiary with a nomination of 100%, it will allow you to submit.

If you are adding more than one Beneficiary, click on save after each one and only once your nominations add up to a total of 100%, will it allow you to submit. 

AF Connect can be accessed using the following links: (this will take you directly to AF Connect) (select AF Connect Login or Register button) (select Login, then AF Connect under Individuals)


3) Scroll down to Investments and policies

You will see Group Life (fund benefits), Life Cover (unapproved death benefit) and Funeral benefit.

To update your nomination forms, click on the “View Details” button in each section.

Each one will allow you to update the relevant nomination form. 



For assistance with AF Connect, please contact:
Telephone: 0860 100 333



If you would prefer to update your Beneficiaries manually, please download the applicable form here, complete it, and submit to the relevant office:

  • When you join the UCTRF, this form should be sent to the Appointments Office, Room 116, Bremner Building, University Crescent, Rondebosch.
  • For existing UCTRF members wishing to update their nominated Beneficiaries, this form should be sent to the UCTRF Office, Room 134.2, Bremner Building, University Crescent, Rondebosch.


Our Contact Details

Click here for enquiry


021 650 2934

Please submit all comments or questions via this form

Fund website:


Twitter: @uctrf