Taxation on Retrenchment

A lump sum benefit payable on retrenchment from your Savings Pot is taxed at your marginal tax rate.

A lump sum benefit payable on retrenchment from your Vested Pot is taxed according to the following fixed scale:

R0 – R550 000


R550 001 – R770 000

18% of the amount exceeding R550 000

R770 001- R1 155 000

R39 600 plus 27% of the amount exceeding R770 000

R1 155 001 and above

R143 550 plus 36% of the amount exceeding R1 155 000

Any withdrawal or retrenchment benefit previously received tax-free (including any tax-free amount received from your Employer as a severance package), as well as tax-free portions for amounts paid out after 1 March 2009 in respect of divorces or maintenance orders, will reduce the tax-free portion available.

To calculate how much of your cash benefit will be tax free, use the UCTRF Lump Sum Payment Tax Calculator at

Please Note:

  • Any transfer value from the AIPF will be tax free.
  • Any contributions to your Vested Pot that were previously taxed will be tax free.

Our Contact Details



021 650 2934

Please submit all comments or questions via this form

Fund website:


Twitter: @uctrf