UCTRF Management

The UCTRF is managed by a Board of Trustees.  The Trustees appoint a Principal Officer who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the UCTRF. The Trustees are responsible for all the decisions made in the UCTRF and have to ensure that members' and Beneficiaries’ interests are protected at all times.  The Board has access to retirement industry experts and specialists where necessary.

The Board of Trustees of the UCTRF consists of 14 Trustees. Seven are elected by members of the UCTRF. The other seven are nominated by the Employer.  

     Seven are elected by members

    Seven other are nominees

Member elected and Employer appointed Trustees also have Alternate Trustees, should one of them not be able to attend a Board meeting, or resign.  The Employer appoints an Alternate Trustee and an Alternate Member Trustee is appointed from those who receive the next highest number of votes during member Trustee elections. 

The Trustees hold office for a period of four years. The current Board of Trustees will hold office until 31 December 2027.

The Trustees have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the members. 

The Trustees meet at least four times a year. Furthermore, in order to facilitate the smooth running of the UCTRF, the Trustees have set-up a number of Committees. 

The six main Committees of the Board are the: 

Administration, Audit and Rules Committee   Investment Committee   Communication Committee 

Section 37C Committee   Retirement and Exits Benefits Committee  Financial Committee

The Trustees

The current Trustees are: 

Full Name

Term of Office ends

Trustee Type (employer appointed/ member elected/ alternate)


Prof. Phillip de Jager


Employer Nominated Trustee

Mr Benjamin Cronin  31/12/2027 Alternate Employer Nominated Trustee  

Mr Paul Gaika


Member Elected Trustee


Mr Glenn Hurlow

31/12/2027 Employer Nominated Trustee  

Mr Peter Shai Makgoba


Member Elected Trustee and Deputy Chairperson


Dr Erich Maritz


Member Elected Trustee


Mr Hardy Maritz

31/12/2027 Employer Nominated Trustee  

Mr Khumo Mokone

31/12/2027 Employer Nominated Trustee  

Ms Libo Msengana-Bam

31/12/2027 Employer Nominated Trustee  

Ms Nonzwakazi Michelle Mzamo

31/12/2027 Alternate Member Elected Trustee  

Mr Athabile Nonxuba


Member Elected Trustee


Assoc. Prof. Shaun Parsons

31/12/2027 Employer Nominated Trustee and Chairperson  

Ms Lulama Sibiya


Member Elected Trustee


Ms Mandisa Stuurman


Member Elected Trustee


Assoc. Prof. Francois Toerien

 31/12/2027 Member Elected Trustee  

Prof. Gizelle Willows

31/12/2027 Employer Nominated Trustee  


Office Bearers

The Board of Trustees receives assistance on UCTRF matters from the following industry experts and specialists:

Principal Officer Ms Penny Fabre
Deputy Principal Officer Bheki Mkhize
Auditor PriceWaterHouse Coopers (PWC) 
Administrator Alexander Forbes Group Holdings Limited
Employee Benefit Consultants Simeka Consultants & Actuaries (Pty) Ltd.
Investment Consultants Sukha & Associates
Registered Office of the UCTRF Physical Address: 
Room 134
Bremner Building
University Crescent

Postal Address: 
University of Cape Town
Private Bag X3

Click here to contact the trustees

Our Contact Details

Click here for enquiry


021 650 2934

Please submit all comments or questions via this form

Fund website: www.uctrf.co.za

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/uctrf

Twitter: @uctrf